Photo of HCFANC board member Jonathan Kotch with Duke SnAHP chapter.

Members of Health Care For All NC work closely with university students across all disciplines to ensure that the next generation is ready to lead the movement for health care justice.

In 2017, HCFANC helped health professions students at Duke University create the state's first chapter of Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP), the student arm of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP). Public health and medical students founded a SNaHP chapter at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill the following year in 2018.

There are now five active SNaHP chapters throughout North Carolina:

Don't see your university or college listed?

If you would like to start a SNaHP chapter on your campus, please contact a member of Health Care For All NC at or reach out to PNHP directly at 312-782-6006 or