HCFANC President Howard Eisenson speaking with sign and banner featuring the HCFANC logo, web address, and the text "Fighting for Single-Payer Healthcare since 1994".


Powerful forces representing the private health insurance industry, Big Pharma, hospital executives and organized medical groups like the American Medical Association (AMA) spend millions of dollars on PR campaigns designed to misinform the public about Medicare for All and to lobby public officials to thwart single-payer legislation.

The first step in combating misinformation is to become informed about what a national health program is and is not. That is why Health Care For All NC members stand ready to provide resource materials, speakers and discussion leaders for meetings of health professionals or the general public, including religious groups, civic organizations, business leaders, unions and others.

The provision of humane, comprehensive and equitable health care at a cost that this country can afford is within our grasp but we must have a base of knowledge in order to protect ourselves from industry lies and misinformation or the movement is doomed from the outset.

Email us at info@healthcareforallnc.org to get a HCFANC representative to speak about the need for a universal, single-payer health system.

The Capitol building in Washington DC.


As bills are introduced that influence health care, let your representatives know how you feel by writing them a letter. Find them here.

  • Open the letter by telling them who you are and why you’re writing to them. If you’re addressing a specific piece of legislation, include the bill number (H.____ or S.____)

  • Keep it brief, it shouldn’t be longer than a page.

  • Keep it focused, it should limited to one issue.

  • Try to personalize the message. Do you have a personal experience that relates to the legislation you’re writing about? Did you volunteer for, contribute money to, or meet the representative you’re writing to?

A person scrolling on Instagram sitting with a coffee cup and journal


Writing a social media post, a letter to the editor, or an op-ed are great ways to influence public opinion on health care reform. If you don’t want to write anything, sharing other people’s stories is a super easy way to get the word out.


Writing on a blog or social media can help catch the attention of and start a conversation with people in your community or personal circle. Follow us on our Instagram page to see some posts to inspire you, or to share with others!

  • Consider sharing a personal story: how could your, your family, or your friend’s health care be improved by a universal, single-payer system?

  • Consider using research and statistics to back up your point.

  • If you’re writing for social media, remember that most platforms have character limits.

  • If you’re sharing someone else’s post, make sure the information presented is accurate by looking at their sources.


Letters to the editor are a way to voice your opinion, draw attention to an issue, bring issues to the attention of your legislators, and correct or interpret facts in response to an inaccurate or biased article.

  • Keep it short

  • Use local statistics and personal stories

  • Relate your letter to a recent article or op-ed

  • Include your phone numbers and address, as the publication will need to confirm that you wrote the letter before they publish it.


Opinion/editorials are usually longer than letters to the editor. They express a focused, well informed opinion on an issue.

  • Be newsworthy: Tie your topic into an upcoming vote, appropriate holiday, anniversary, community event, the release of a new report, a recent article, or a popular movie.

  • Consider inviting a respected or influential member or your community to co-sign or co-author the Op-Ed with you.

  • Use local statistics to capture people’s attention.

  • It usually takes editorial boards two weeks to review submissions.