Annual Meeting 2023

Everyone at the 2023 Annual Meeting watching speaker Dr.Walker looking at a slide that says "Committee of Interns and Residents SEIU Healthcare"
Members of HCFANC and attendees at the 2023 Annual Meeting holding signs that say "improved medicare for all" in front of a banner that says "Health Care for All NC"

Health Care for All NC held our 2023 Annual Meeting on November 4th featuring keynote speaker Dr. Taylor Walker, who generously shared her personal life’s journey and how it has led her to advocate for single payer universal health care, unionization of health care workers, and reproductive rights for women. We also heard from HCFANC executive committee members Dr. Elaine Greene, Dr. Jonathan Kotch, and Jonathan Michels who welcomed our attendees, explained the history of HCFANC, and shared upcoming HCFANC events. Additional remarks were made by past president of Healthcare Justice NC Dr. Jessica Schorr Saxe, who encouraged our attendees to join our national program, Physicians for a National Health Program. She was also joined by HCFANC board member and founding member of the NC Medicare for All Coalition Rebecca Cerse, who discussed North Carolina's recent win with Medicaid expansion and her work with the NC Medicare for All Coalition


American Hospitals Film Screening


2021 Annual Meeting